Tani B
Lots of goods and lots of bads —-
We spent a week at the Colony Club Hotel in April 2024.
It was a lovely week and we had a good time.
There were lots of negatives and lots of positives!
One disaster is how unfriendly the staff are. With a handful of exceptions of nice staff, the majority of the rest were somewhere between ignorant and almost harshly unfriendly. Even when you approached the staff with a bright smile and "good morning", there was usually no warm or friendly response. We have never felt so unwelcome anywhere. And it wasn't just us who were treated so rudely, but all the guests.
I found two small birds kept in a barren cage next to the restaurant very unkind. This is good for nothing and terrible to look at!
The hotel is getting on in years, but is expected to be renovated from the end of April 2024.
The fantastic beach deserves a special mention! Unbeatably beautiful! The free water sports facilities are also great! The quality of the live music in the evenings (which changed daily) was excellent and provided a wonderful atmosphere during the very good food. The lush green gardens are just as beautiful.
So the possibilities are there!!! Probably being renovated now too... now if they could just find nice and friendly staff it could be great.
Brian Newell
My wife and I have just spent 12 nights at the Colony Club hotel. It is probably the best experience in an hotel we have had. With great thanks to all the staff from the kitchen, waitresses,waiters and reception. We cannot mention them all by name but special notes for Brian , John and Monica who catered for our every need. This is the only way to thank you all for our amazing holiday. Brian and Elizabeth Newell.👏😉
ok ok
Spectacular beach and walkable (on the beach) to other properties. Propey had a nice feel and design. Attentive staff, but keep in mind you're in the Caribbean where things tend to move slow
Christina Ring
Our experience here was not a good one. First the good points: we got into our room earlier than check in - some of the employees were very friendly - the views were very pretty - we had an amazing taxi driver who we were able to call upon a few times - our maid was wonderful and very thoughtful!!
The very wrong issues:
1. This building is not being kept up to a standard that matches the price you are charged. The outside of the buildings have rotted wood and black moldy stains.
2. The main pool was under construction ( they offer you some hotel credits for food etc.) once they finished the construction part of the pool they then started filling up this huge deep pool which meant we had little water pressure. It was not fun having to shower with such little water pressure.
3. The bathtub is very aged. The bathtub faucet was not working correctly - it was very difficult to change the water from bath to shower.
4. Room service would take too long to get ur order and then deliver it to ur room.
5. The television would not work at times. We had a remote that didn’t even have a back to it. The batteries were taped to keep them in.
6 The food was below average yet priced high.
So maybe it was timing but I will not be going back nor would I recommend it to anyone.
Ian McCusker
This is the very first time EVER; I’ve given a bad review. I’ve always given fantastic reviews, to all the people that have given me a brilliant service and deserve the commendation because they’re genuinely outstanding..!!
However: The thought of other people, paying for what they think is going to be an expensive beautiful luxury holiday, for some - a lifetime holiday, that they’ve worked really hard for years for - Fills me with absolute horror. They’re going into a situation that’s been/being created, for reasons unknown to them.
1) Meet and Greet non existent - carried my own luggage in.
2) Get to the room, a little late for dinner. My partner continuously tries to call room service and reception: No answer. In the end bless; she had to go to reception and do it(last thing yo want to do when you’ve just arrived). The eye rolling, sharp intakes of breath started at this point.
3) How this place is marketed and sold to people, is a lie. It’s not fit for purpose. It doesn’t need renovating, it needs knocking down.
4)Under staffed. So badly, every member of staff is miserable or rude. Why you might ask? Well if everyone/guests are constantly moaning at them, and for good reasons, the whole atmosphere and vibe is just horrible.
5) Breakfast 07:30am. No chance. Staff are just turning up, and the vibe is horrible; it’s like watching a sponsored go slow.
6) People queueing for 30-40 minutes, all looking at a completely empty restaurant. Actually that’s not true. There are about 30-40 birds all sitting around the building waiting to pounce. There’s even a birds nest in the ceiling. It was like eating in a great big bird cage.
7) Everything in the place is bent/wonky/not straight/bodged up, honestly it is ridiculous.
8) Drain pipes and guttering broken, all wonky. Plumbing everywhere is failing or bodged. Pipes to toilets were so poorly fitted because nothing is level, you just know it’s only a matter of time.
9) Beach closed for a day because of raw sewage being pumped into it. Red flags were up, the smell was horrendous
10) Sandbags outside hotel rooms in case of flooding; even the newly renovated one.
11) Black mould on most of the outside paintwork.
12) The roof on the building is seriously dangerous. As you look up, or over a balcony, nothing is in situ; it’s all just falling.
13) pool bar never opened on time; the time it took for people to get served or worst still look at their drink made and sitting on the side for 15 minutes definitely made frayed tensions, turn up and say hello on more than one occasion.
14) Food was rubbish and cold, dangerous really when none of the breakfast buffet pans had heat working properly so the food could be a correct temperature. Even when you got back to your wonky table with bird crap on it, the birds wouldn’t chance it.
15) The pool…!! Looks fabulous in photographs; in reality it’s diabolical, it should never have been reopened. The paint around the edges has never been done properly; even a newby DIYer would know, that a bit of masking tape would have avoided hundreds and hundreds of paint runs, I’ve got to be honest I don’t know how it’s even happened. All the pool bottoms are worn with great big worn out patches all around it
16) There’s only one men’s and ladies loo. And it’s not near the pool.
When you read the reviews properly, this has been going on for a long time.
I asked from day 1 to be relocated, messaged the Rep, and asked continuously/daily..!!
It’s not worth anything like the cleverly worded brochures. I was fuming, totally ripped off.
I just can’t believe these huge companies, that know we put faith in them; are doing it to people. I heard the phrase "it’s just not acceptable" about a million times from nearly every guest; this is really really serious. PLEASE DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY HERE IT’S MISERABLE..!! *ONLY 5 VIEWS**ONLY 5 VIEW**ONLY 5 VIEWS*